At an early age, I knew I was saved by God's grace and would make it to Heaven based on what Jesus accomplished, but I had the mentality that I had to do something to gain God's favor. I somehow got it twisted in my mind that I was legitimized by my actions. I thought I had to pray just so and read just so many chapters in the Bible or accomplish just so many acts of service before God would even glance my direction. This dissatisfying way of life was emotionally and physically exhausting. It was like two steps forward and ten steps back.
This mindset was what prevented me from living the life that God had intended for me. Rather than knowing I was justified by Christ, I thought I had to be just so good. I had a very limited view of God's grace. Grace is defined as unmerited favor.
Most Believers do not argue the concept of "saved by grace", but when someone is already born-again, we tell them they must be perfectly clean and stay that way for God to ever see fit to use them for His purposes. We can never be perfect enough or clean enough by our own merit.
It delighted me to discover that, for the Believer our lives do not have to mirror the disappointing board game of "Chutes and Ladders" with a mentality that we go two steps forward and then ten steps back. It is extremely satisfying to know that God is NOT waiting to push me down the chutes of despair when I make less-than holy choices. I am so thankful to have the perception that God wants us going from glory to glory and not up ladder and down chutes. (2Cor 3:18)
I know I now have a healthier view of who I am in Christ and I am reminded from Psalm 16:3 "As for the godly, (the saints) who are in the land, they are the excellent, the noble and the glorious in whom is all my delight."