Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When Life is OVER your Head.

A memory from when I was a little girl in the 1970s. All the snow our country is experiencing brought back this memory to me and I though maybe someone would be encouraged by it as well.

We awoke and opened the door to the porch and the snow was over the door way. I have never seen before or since then such snow drifts. I was only about 10yo and my only thought was the poor dogs!

I said, "Dad, our poor dogs are buried!!!" He said, "Well, start digging little girl!"

He had a shovel and me with my mittens (I was bundled up like a northern girl would be). We dug and dug and 150 feet later we made it to the hunting dog's little huts. They were so glad to see us! Dad brought out warm water and slop for them.

I played with them for a little bit and we went inside for lunch. I was so worried but my Dad knew the whole time they were all cozy in their beds of straw. The dogs didn't look too worried either.

This memory just reminds me of how much our Heavenly Father has it all under control even when things are over our heads, He's got a plan.