Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Open Heaven part 3

This is the final part posted here in understanding that we can walk under an open heaven. This is for all believers and not just those who are considered really "super spiritual". This should be normal stuff for every believer. I hope you will begin to embrace this as a lifestyle and pursue walking under an open heaven with peace and joy.

Remember, I put an emphasis in part 2 that heaven is always open. God does not discontinue sending the benefits of heaven in our direction. The blessing flows continually from the throne of grace. BUT we are like a gate (Lift up your heads o you gates) and we determine if the flow of blessings gets plugged up or flows freely.

So what type of stuff can stop the flow?

Our words: Yes, James chapter one makes it pretty clear that our tongues have the power to steer our life into peril or blessing. Life and death is in the power of the tongue.(Proverbs 18:10) and in the book of Proverbs it also states that whatever a man speaks so shall he become. It starts with what we believe about ourselves and about God and it flows out of our mouths. Know what the Word says and then you can speak good stuff. This takes some discipline but before you know it, you will be speaking blessings over yourself and your family.

Pride: I'm not really going explain the pride that we see in the movies with the characters that won't ask for help and end up falling flat on their faces. I would rather put up mirror for us to recognize that false humility is a far more likely form of pride in the believer's life. If we think we are to grovel and beg the Father for stuff in the Kingdom then maybe we are shackled under a false sense of pride. True humility is agreeing with what God's Word says about us. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am more than a conqueror. I am fashioned to do good works that the Father planned in advance. I am blessed to be a blessing.

Lack of forgiveness: Holding on to unforgiveness is a sure way to block the flow of blessings coming from heaven. I love that old saying: Refusing to forgive is like drinking poison expecting it to kill the one who did us wrong. If you writhe in emotional pain at the thought of what someone did to you then asking the Holy Spirit to show you how to release that pain and set YOURSELF free from bondage is the way to release the floodgates of heaven.

Fear: Fear blocks the flow of heaven. As a person healed and delivered from a task-masters named fear and depression, I know firsthand how damaging fear can be in the believer's life. Fear makes plans for you to stay put. Fear makes plans to paralyze you. Fear causes you to abandon the plans God has for your life. Fear kills dreams. Fear not little flock. It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. God's people perish for a lack of knowledge and if fear is your enemy right now then the knowledge of how big your God is and how he equips us through Christ to defeat any roar of the enemy.

Trying to keep the Law: Galatians 5:4 "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace." Paul makes it pretty clear that if we try to live under the law then we are NOT LIVING BY GRACE. Mixing the law and grace is a sure fire way to block the flow of heaven in your life. Remember grace if flowing your way---we just can't receive if we insist on trying to be condemned by the law. It's called the Ministry of Death (2Cor 3:7)for a good reason. Christ brings life and life abundantly.