Genesis chapter 28 Jacob is alone off to a distant land to go get a wife like his father commanded. He is weary from his journey and makes himself a bed and uses a rock as a pillow.
Jacob dreamed there was a ladder that touched earth and heaven with angels going back and forth between heaven and earth.
The Lord stood over and beside Jacob and told him the GOOD NEWS that he and his countless number of descendants would own the land he was on that very moment. And all the families of the earth would be blessed by Jacob's descendants. And God promised He would never leave him. And Jacob awoke and said, "Hey, The Lord is in this place and now I am not blind to this fact!"
Genesis chapter 29 The beginning of this chapter mentions that Jacob travels 400 miles to the land of his father's people. The Amplified version of the Bible says that he traveled with enthusiasm. He now knows he's blessed and God is on his side forever more.
When he arrived at a well in Haran he met a group of shepherds. Jacob wonders why all the sheep were just standing around in the HOT sun rather than giving water to the flocks. They explained the rock was very heavy and they were waiting for all the flocks to gather before they removed the large heavy rock from the mouth of the spring or well.
Jacob asked if anyone knew his uncle Laban. One of the shepherds announced that Laban's daughter Rachel was approaching with their flocks. Suddenly Jacob singled handed removes the big heavy stone from the mouth of the spring and the cool refreshing life-giving water flows to the flocks.
What can we compare the big rock? Maybe the stone that was rolled away from Christ's tomb? Maybe the veil that was rent so that there was no longer any waiting for the sheep to enter into God's presence. Jesus compared his people to sheep and Jesus said he came to give us life and more abundant. Jesus single-handed removed any hindrance from the people of God coming to the SPRING OF LIFE .
Revelation 22:1 Then he showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
So which chapter are you living right now? Is it like Genesis chapter 27 and you are despairing hope is still a distant land and you have not entered your promised land? Or maybe like chapter 28 and you are just discovering that God is for you and you are truly blessed and God is on your side. Or have you come so far as you are experiencing chapter 29 where you KNOW the big heavy stone over the spring has been cast off and you can come and drink freely from that life giving waters? Where ever and what ever chapter you are experiencing you must realize that God is bringing you through all of it for His glory.